Winners of the Poetry Challenge and Name That Abstract #4

As it turns out, nobody voted on their favorites for the challenges this time, so I’m doing things a little bit differently with these current ones.

For the Grasshopper Meets Worm Poetry Challenge, I am declaring all 3 entries winners.  You can see them all by clicking this link:

Grasshopper Meets Worm Poetry Challenge and Name That Abstract #4

Tim, Sandy and Maggie, you can all post your poems on your page along with the abstract if you’d like.  And thank you all for your wonderful poems!

For the Name That Abstract #4, here were the 4 names submitted:

Wildflowers in Darkness – submitted by Diane at Hometogo232

Devil Comes A-Callin’ – submitted by Sandy at LBTK

Stopping to Smell the Flowers –

Bird in the Bush – both submitted by Eunice at Living and Lovin

I thought all the names submitted were great, and I thank you all, Diane, Sandy and Eunice for your entries.  Again, with no votes for favorites, I’m declaring a tie between all 4 names.  You can also see them all by clicking the above link.  For the actual name of the abstract, I have chosen one of my own this time, given the tie.  This name is based largely on this past week and what it’s been like for me, as well as just my thoughts about life in general, and how there truly is beauty amid the shadows of life.  Therefore, I chose the name, Beauty Grows Amid Shadows.

Beauty Grows Amid Shadows
by Anne Sikes

I don’t have another abstract right now for the Name That Abstract #5, and have several things I need to do here at home today.  I also don’t have a poem to go along with the Beauty Grows Amid Shadows abstract, to start that off.  So I ask you for your patience with this, and I will come back and get both of those going when I’m able.

Thank you all who participated.  I really do hope that as time goes on more people will…but I also know that I need to get the rules down pat and I kind of messed up with that this time, which may have confused some people.

I have to get off here now and get to some housework!  Love and blessings to you all,


About Anne Sikes

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." (2 Cor. 4:7) Sharing the journey through daily thoughts and struggles, examination of Scripture, poetry, music and art.
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2 Responses to Winners of the Poetry Challenge and Name That Abstract #4

  1. lbtk says:

    I saw the shadows too. But I like your spin on it. It’s more positive. I might just sit down and write a poem just because. Take care. I’ve nominated you for an award. Please check out the link: Lots of love, Sandy

    • Anne Sikes says:

      I’m going to post the new poetry challenge shortly, so will look forward to your entry. I’m keeping it simple with the rules and hoping things work out and that we’ll get some votes this time too. And thank you for the award!! Blessings! –Anne

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