Midnight thoughts from an insomniac :)

It’s almost 3 A.M. and I have tried…Lord knows…to go to sleep.  I am so tired I am buzzing, but alas…here I sit, having given up trying.  Mainly it’s that restless leg thing plaguing me tonight and keeping me awake.  But my mind’s full of thoughts too.  You know…the typical ones after a senseless shooting rampage like the one in Colorado last night.  I feel sadness for the victims and their families, questions in my mind about the shooter and why he did it.  And then there are the feelings that come as reminders to be good to one another while we’re living that always come when sudden deaths or tragedies like this happen.  Be good to each other!  Why is that so difficult?  Pride.

But all we can do there is our own part.  You can’t control what others do…you can only seek in yourself to be good to people in your life…even ones who are just passing through your life for a moment in some way, and to let go of bitterness and forgive ones who hurt you or do you wrong, deal honestly and lovingly with people, regardless of what they do back. 

Ah, but it’s not always easy, is it?  It takes courage and self control to do all that…as well as humility at times, and this isn’t a world where humility is thought of as being a strength.  It’s back to the old thing about being tough…coming out on top, etc.

Whatever.  I’m just tired and frustrated because of it, and I really need so badly to go to sleep.  I have tons to do this weekend, even though there isn’t school. 

But seriously…be good to each other.  Tell the people in your life that you love them.  Tell the people you’ve hurt that you’re sorry, and forgive the ones who have hurt you.

And yes, God is good…always.  Even in the midst of horrible evil, God is good and I am so thankful for His love and mercy…every day.

Love and blessings,



About Anne Sikes

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." (2 Cor. 4:7) Sharing the journey through daily thoughts and struggles, examination of Scripture, poetry, music and art.
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5 Responses to Midnight thoughts from an insomniac :)

  1. So true Anne – we can only take responsibility for ourselves and know that everything we do or say has a consequence. I think when anything like this happens it plunges us into horrified anxiety and stirs up lots of emotive feelings and questions.

    In the wake of it all we can do is to send out our prayers or metta to all those involved and know that our intentions will impact on the world around us.

    Hope you managed to get some sleep eventually.

  2. cindyhfrench says:

    Anne, first let me tell you I also have restless leg and it is indeed awful, but there really is help for it if you are willing to take medicine for it. I take Mirapex and it is wonderfu! If you want to talk about it we can-more privately. But there are lot’s of things that can help. getting up and walking around instead of just laying there and letting it be restless that helps immensely too. And do you get enough potassium in your diet?that seems to have something to do with it. It is very important to get under control-it does lead to other things. but first and foremost I would be privileged to join with you to pray for Jesus to just heal it as He promised in John 14:13-14-it is for His Father’s Glory for you to be well rested so that you can function and tell others of Him. And of course if 2 or more are praying then there is He also. In this passage He said we would do greater things that He I am just talking about praying you healed of this condition. The insomnia-I can not speak to because God often uses the same with me to speak to me or teach or wants me to just pray for all of those of my prayer list. And when I do that, He seems to make up for my lack of sleep.
    Oh you had my heart with your post. I know you had read mine from yesterday. we have to love more, smile more, be willing to be poured out more as Paul was for the last ones to come to Jesus.
    I think we are so close and yet I ask Him to tarry just a bit because I still am talking to those I love and care for that have not come to Him yet. And I believe that is all that is holding Him back for it must greatly anger Him to look down upon our world and see that we have become even worse than Sodom and Gomorrah.
    Anne, I so identify with your precious heart. Surely our Lord will answer us AS HE HAS PROMISED if this is the prayer that you agree to us praying. I know that He does. I have watched as He has in 2 other totally different circumstances last week, with incredible stories, incredible results, so fast. Last night I prayed several needs specifically for another family who is joining me in claiming the promise and affirming it everyday until there is the answer given. So just let me know.
    love in Christ Jesus from whom all blessings flow.

    • Anne Sikes says:

      Thank you so much Cindy! 🙂 I don’t really want to take meds for it, since it’s not every single night and I try to avoid taking any kind of drugs unless I have to. I take my BP meds, and pain relievers sometimes for head or body aches…even the OTC pain relievers, I won’t take any more unless I just have to. It just seems to me sometimes that the more meds you take, the more you have to take to compensate for the side effects of some you were already taking. LOL You ever listen to those commercials on TV for the various drugs, and the disclaimers at the end?

      As for the potassium, I haven’t been eating regular healthy meals lately, I admit. I usually try to have a banana every day for the potassium, but am out at the moment.

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